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Mr Rob Sequeira

Member, Judge - Singing

  • Club Details
  • Role(s): Member, Judge - Singing
    Level: Full
    Status: Active
  • Bio/Profile
  • Rob's musical background is in percussion, voice and jazz. He grew up in Sydney playing drums in "Group Therapy", a 16-piece jazz band. He also sang lead vocals and played piano in a jazz quintet. His vocal stylings are often compared to Nat "King" Cole and Harry Connick Jr, an incredible honour. In 2004, 3 years after discovering barbershop, Rob was asked to take on the assistant director role at "The Peninsulaires" in Palo Alto, California. In 2005, he went to his first Barbershop Harmony Society's (BHS) Director's College and his first ever BHS International Competition. After joining Voices in Harmony, a 100+ strong barbershop chorus, Rob took on section leader, assistant director and Music Vice President roles and led the chorus to a 2008 International 3rd place International Bronze Medal. During this time, Rob mentored over 60% of the chorus to achieve personal singing goals. In Rob's other life, he is a mentor, coach, program manager, entrepreneur and business developer. He has managed organisations of up to 40 people and mentored hundreds more. He has a passion of experiencing the journey people go through when they learn and grow, achieving an enlightened state of being and becoming the best they can be! Rob now sings with an a cappella quartet "Zoom", the 2011 Australian Eastern Regional Champions. He shares his expertise and learnings by coaching choruses and quartets throughout Australia.