High Altitude Harmony

High Altitude Harmony
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 3 Mar 2018

What a momentus week we have had. On Tuesday 13th February we turned ten. Last rehearsal evening we had a beaut birthday cake and a visit from the local ABC radio station to put down some tracks for an Open Night we are planning in March.

The breakfast presenter, David Iliffe is such a good friend to us that some time ago we appointed him as an Honorary member and he was presented with his official HAH badge with all the pomp and ceremony that such an event deserves.

The night was also a celebration because we have elevated our Assistant MD, Cameron Ryle to a new position, that of Co-MD with Mike Ludwig. Cameron  is one of our popular younger singers and it is a thrill to have him waving his hands out at the front of the chorus (not that we take a lot of notice of him doing so).

Some history. HAH was formed by Mike Ludwig, originally from amongst the teaching fraternity in Toowoomba and surrounds because of Mike’s involvement in education. Obviously we have evolved since those early days but, a strong teacher presence is still part of our chorus.

The blokes in the picture are Peter Daly, Cameron Broom, Paddy Boxall, Mike Ludwig, Mark Phythian (cake cutting) Peter Devey (Club President) and Shane Graham (Sunshine Region Chairman)

It was lovely to have the only two original members of the chorus, Mike and Peter Devey, our Club President as official cake cutters. They were joined by five other blokes who joined HAH in our first twelve months. Our Support Team has been very special to us and last evening we were lucky enough to have quite a few of them attend to assist in the jollifications.

The year has got off to a quiet start performance wise but, we will kick it off with a singout at a Cancer Council fundraiser on Sunday and the Toowoomba Regional Council’s Summer Tunes program the weekend after. From then on it’s all hands to the music as we gear up for Regionals in April.

Our resident computer guru and Music VP, Grant van Heerden has put together a clip of our last ten years and it is up on Youtube. Check it  out. Or visit us on Facebook. We are constantly putting up interesting music clips and other trendy stuff for your enjoyment. Our web-site is  haharmony.com.au

Paddy Boxall