Vocal Evolution

Vocal Evolution
Type of post: Club news
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dick Bushell
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 3 Mar 2018

Vocal Evolution started our 2018 Barbershop year with the annual Kickstart weekend, where 30 members of the chorus stayed at the Swan Valley Adventure Centre. The weekend included rehearsals, team building and the introduction of our contest songs! We also discussed as a group VE’s goals for the year, chorus culture and our “why” for singing. It was amazing to hear the very personal reasons of our members for singing and involving themselves in the chorus. What are YOUR reasons for singing?
The New Year also brings change at the helm with Bec Hewitt taking on the role as Musical Director for the chorus. Bec brings her vast experience from within BHA, Sweet Adelines and her international work to our chorus. It was a seamless transition into the Music team working with our AMDs Ash Schofield and Nick Schurmann. Productive discussions have also been held with the Leadership team with many great ideas discussed and plans set for the coming years ahead. VE would like to acknowledge the contribution of Alex Morris to the chorus as MD over the past years. The impact he has had as a member and MD cannot be measured, and we wish him the best in all his future endeavours.

We look forward to sharing Vocal Evolution’s music with our community and (hopefully) on the world stage!