Listen to some acappella

Listen to some acappella
Type of post: CNews
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: John Thomson
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 13 May 2016
Acaville Radio is a non-profit, and we’re all volunteer-run.
Why’d We Do It?

Why would someone be crazy enough to spend time, effort, and money on starting a nonprofit a cappella radio station? Good question!

We were frustrated. We listen to a lot of a cappella, and one of our bunch even started a college group twenty years ago (now long gone). But we couldn’t find it well-executed on the web.

There were a few options that came and went over the years. Some had a narrower focus than we wanted (e.g., praise-appella only), while others had a stale playlist that never changed.
When streaming services like Pandora and Spotify came along, we thought they were the answer. But no. None of them categorized a cappella as a characteristic, so when they went to ‘suggest’ tunes, there would inevitably be that moment where some synth, hi-hat, or guitar would come clomping in. That’s no good. (Well, it might be good, but it wasn’t what we were looking for.)

So Acaville was born. Our hope is to bring you a range of contemporary a cappella, from groups and solo artists at all levels and ages. And if you have music you’d like us to play, send it our way!